About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

3rd and 5th grade Nobody Knows Poems

After reading Pablo Neruda from "The Book of Questions" students in Mrs. Silva's 3rd grade and Mrs. Nolan's fifth grade wrote poems in which they revealed secrets that animals, nature, and objects keep.

3rd Grade

Lino C.

Nobody hears the sun saying hi
Nobody knows the river says help
Nobody knows that the plants talk to each other
Nobody knows that the train is a person who runs fast

Andy H.

Nobody knows that planes walk in the rain.
Nobody knows trains can dance.
Nobody knows a plant can go in my house and watch T.V.
Nobody knows that rats like the moon and dogs and a river.

Iliana M.

Nobody knows people in my family can run as fast as a car.
Nobody knows a plane crashes in my yard every year!
Nobody knows rats are my friends.
Nobody knows I have the moon right in front of me.

5th Grade

Yenesis R.

Nobody knows if monkeys can write an essay.
Nobody knows is someone is very perfect.
Nobody knows that some people can be so annoying.
Nobody knows what is the weirdest thing in life.

Corinne G.

Nobody knows that Miss Lady Bug
that she only wears a poked dot dress.
Nobody knows that the toaster the
doesn't like to toast it's own bread.

Romario D.

Nobody knows that I own a big fire breathing dragon.
Nobody knows that aliens eat dogs.
Nobody knows if we could live on the sun.
Nobody knows if the apple could be blue.

8th grade I am... poems

8th graders at Washington wrote poems using anaphora, or repetition of the beginning of the line, after reading M. Scott Momaday's "The Delight Song of Tsoai-Talee"

Khalid Z.

I am the water that flows through in the ocean
I am the mountains that tower over people
I am the bird that can't fly
I am the was that never happens
I am a blue cow that can't make blue milk
I am the homework that eats the dog
I am a book with no story
I am a tail that never wags
I am a snowflake in a thunderstorm
I am a snowflake that falls in the summer
I am a leaf with no tree
I am paper that needs one more line
I am the name that is never spoken

Laura V.

I am the one who takes care of you even though you can't see me
I am the warmth that builds up in you when you're cold
I am the tree that covers you from the blazing sun
I am the covers that keep you nice and warm
I am the person that will guide or follow every step you take
I am the courage that will motivate you
I am the person that will be there at night to tell you everything is alright
I am the wind that will push you toward your future
I am the shelter that will protect you from harm
I am the person who bring happiness t your life, family and dreams

Jasmine H.

I am the scissors that
cut through the girls arm
I am the broken hearted man
that sits on the corner
I am the strength of everybody
that gets abused
I a m the nothingness to
I am the shelter to every
homeless person
I am the peace to world